MD NTS, Kin 86
\Baba Wanique Khemi-Tehuti Shabazz is the founder and visionary of Melanin 6, LLC. For over forty years, he has studied Meta and quantum physics, herbology and nutrition and how it relates to the total health of the human being from which he now serves as a life-style consultant. Brother Wanique has worked extensively in the field of wholistic and spiritual health, his passion and love of these subjects began at the early age of thirteen when he took a strong interest in the health and wellness of hue-man beings.
He is certified in areas of behavioral science, healing science through herbal application, reiki, massage therapy, transcendental meditation and a facilitator, teacher of Universal Principles and the Meta-Physical treatment of Uterine Fibroids and Reproductive Disorders from an institution renowned for its teaching in Ethno-Conscious Allopathic Nutritional and Metaphysical Medicine. He was also a facilitator instructor at the Jewel University of Immortal Sciences. An institution founded by the renowned Preventative and Wholistic Physician, Surgeon and Surgeon General Dr Jewel Pookrum MD, PHD, MFS.
Awarded as “Ambassador for Peace” by The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace for his work with the Foundation for the Law of Time-Thirteen (FLT) Moon Calendar Peace Change Movement ( Baba Wanique
has served on the Board of Directors of the FLT as appointed Officer of Internal Operations, where he now holds the title Director Emeritus and Community Outreach and Public Affairs Liaison, which touts the advocacy of calendar change for the advent of
global peace through culture.
For over 30 years Brother Shabazz studied the literary works of the Olmec/Maya through Artist and Researcher José Argüelles
aka Valum Votan; The Mayan Factor, Surfers of the Zuvuya, The Transformative Vision and other various related publications
while following the 13 Moon Calendar Peace Change Movement ( Combining this knowledge with
his extensive studies of Ancient Indigenous & “Afrikan”; Cosmic Cultures; Khemitic, Nubun, The Dogona tribe of Mali and the
Olmec-Muurish and Mayan civilizations.
As a Melanin Dominant Natural Time Scholar (MD NTS), Brother Shabazz decreed that one day he would work and support the realization and actualization of the Natural Law of Time at an intentional level. As a result of this “Conscious Creation” Brother Shabazz states that his appointment on the Board Level at FLT was to “reignite the memory of our people to their Indigenous Customs and Galactic Culture in the diaspora”… He further states that his work is… “… like pouring the concrete for a strong ‘Foundation’. I will work diligently to reacquaint us to the Cosmic Laws that govern time and to draw the parallel of where we are to where we were and to emphasize the critical importance of us redefining how we relate to “Time” as a basis for our relationship with Earth Mother and the Galaxy of which we reside.”
Brother Shabazz has lectured extensively throughout the United States and abroad on the importance of recognizing and recapturing the significance of Natural Time relative to the 13 moon 28-day cycle which is directly equated with the “moon” menstrual/ovulating cycles of women. He has expounded on the pulsing of “Galactic Signatures” by adding “Purpose” to its title as a ‘GPS™’ to allow lost time- travelers a more comprehensive initiation for activating galactic culture within their own “Destiny Cross” as they navigate the 3rd Dimensional plains.
Published works include his “Time is Freedom as Art” Series in “Conscious Hue-Niversal Living Magazine”. “Co-Options” Sevananda Natural Food Cooperative newspaper, one of the largest vegan and vegetarian co-ops in the S.E.where he is a contributing writer and former Board President and Chair ( He also contributed to the “Foreword” in Queen Afua’s‘ MAN HEAL THYSELF’ (Vol 1 &2) and participated in the Global “PLANET HEAL Vol 1.” project amidst a myriad of wholistic healers and practitioners. He was initiated as High Priest Keeper Of The Sacred Flame EAGLE “Ala Ka’hun Majlus” with the Nu Altamaha Yamassee Nation-Ashkolan Embassy.
Widely sought out to MC national and international cultural events-he presided as the Master Of Ceremonies for the renowned lecture series: “The Gathering Of Masters 2000”.
Brother Shabazz in association with the Pan Atlantis Crystal Core Team (PACCT), the Law of Time Peace Change Movement
and WRFG 89.3 FM radio, commissioned the Atlanta City Council and in 2005, July 25th was one of the first American cities to proclaim ‘Global Peace through Culture Day’ in commemoration of the “Day Out of Time”. Wanique Khemi-Tehuti Shabazz serves as Director of Operations at WRFG 89.3 FM. ( Atlanta’s Independent Community Radio Station for Progressive Information reaching an terrestrial audience of approximately 1.5 million and an undetermined number via the World Wide Web.
For more than 25 years he has produced and currently hosts the weekly program M.A.P.P.T.I.M.E JAZZ (Metaphysical Answers Progressive Political Truths Inside Musical Edutainment). He also has served as an elected member of the Unity Council for the African Community Centers for Unity and Self Determination (ACCUSD) and sat on its Board as President Chair.
In 1992, He established Melanin 6, LLC.™ The Health Emporium© offering lectures, workshops, and Personal Life Path Coaching which includes Post Traumatic (Slave) Disorder (PTSD) as a guiding force through the transformative work of realigning with “Natural Time”.